The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
BURROWS.JPGModern Day GearyGeary is a returning veteran from our very first & historic reunion of our 2/9th FA Battalion. Geary served with Danny Fort in the FDC Section of "B" Battery.May 25, 2017
SMURRA.JPGModern Day AmbroseAmbrose had the good fortune to find The Mighty Ninth website, call about the Encore Reunion on the very LAST day that the Hotel would take a reservation, and join us at Ft Sill.

Great to see you there, Ambrose!
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_11.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationWhat an amazing shot! Joe Turner captures one of the artillery rockets leaving the pod. But then confesses it came from walls of THAAD Hall, the building most of us couldn't find.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner.
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_12.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationA close up view of the Artillery Rocket itself.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner.
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_13.JPGFiring RangeA trainee walks across the firing line.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_6.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationPreparing to fire.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_7.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationGun Section waiting for the command to fire.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_8.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationGun Section ready.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_9.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationArtillery Rocket System

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner
May 25, 2017
J_Turner_10.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationClose up look at the Artillery Rocket System.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner
May 25, 2017
WmWard-9.jpg1/19th FA Training AreaAll of our redleg red-shirts drove convoy-style to the Training. We got a first-hand look at modern-day Trainee barracks and living conditions as well as some rifle training and mingling with the Trainee themselves. All commented on how sharp these young men and women are in today's Army. We are justly proud of them.
Photo courtesy of William Ward.
May 19, 2017
WmWard_-_8.jpgFirst Event - Ted's Cafe, LawtonWe began the Encore reunion with a group dinner at Ted's Cafe, enjoying a Mexican buffet meal and watching 240 slides of our "younger days" serving with the 2/9th FA in Vietnam. John and Barbara Bowden awaiting the start of the buffet line.

Photo courtesy of William Ward.
May 19, 2017
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