The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

FDC TOC - LZ Oasis
Summer, 1968.  Glen Bruney on duty here.  This bunker was a complex of rooms made from CONEX containers.  These were our main radios on command freq.  Switchboard to DivArty at right.  Command map at left showing battery circles (ranges).  Plastic overlays used to plot targets & troop locations.  Clipboard itemized arty fire missions.

FDC TOC - LZ Oasis

Summer, 1968. Glen Bruney on duty here. This bunker was a complex of rooms made from CONEX containers. These were our main radios on command freq. Switchboard to DivArty at right. Command map at left showing battery circles (ranges). Plastic overlays used to plot targets & troop locations. Clipboard itemized arty fire missions.